Are You Sabotaging Your Own Health

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Health

We’re so used to things not going our way that we protect ourselves by ruining things for ourselves before they get ruined by others. Many times those who sabotage their health are driven by unconscious reasons. They justify it via mindful means. Simply put, we screw up our health without even realizing it.

If you’re too hard on yourself and tend to sabotage your own success as it concerns health. Read on to find out how you can stop. Treat yourself how you deserve to be treated.

Be objective

Take a step back and look at what’s happening in your life from a stranger’s point of view. You can even start a journal and write down.

Embrace imperfections

Getting feedback and critique is probably the last thing you want. But a great chance to improve your health you need to realize what you’re doing wrong. More often than not, you’ll find that the feedback was actually helpful. But only if you don’t take it too personally, or over think everything.

Don’t be gullible

The grass that’s much greener on the other side of the fence is that way because of the hard work that went into it. What you envision success to be, whether it’s losing 20 pounds or being filthy rich, our thinking process doesn’t take into account all the hard work that goes into it. Be realistic about your health goals and break them down into mini-goals. They can be daily or weekly – it’s up to you. Write down every step you need to take in order to get there, and don’t leave out the times when you fail to reach one of them. Trust in the process, and more importantly, in yourself.

Stop being selfish

Some people think that when they sabotage their health, they’re doing it for the good of others around them. For example, a mother may feel that she’s putting her kids’ well-being before her own when she doesn’t take the time to eat right or exercise. Or a father thinks that by working all the time and not taking the time to take to take care of his health, then it’s for the sake of his family. The truth is, this behavior is the exact definition of being selfish.

Trust your perspective

As we grow, we’re bombarded with comments about ourselves. It’s the negative ones that stick with us the most. The problem here is that it can be difficult to break free from these comments that we turn into tangible beasts that haunt us in every decision we make. In addition, they can be ordinary, run-of-the-mill comments that someone made without giving it a second thought. To us, it dominates our waking hours and dictates our life decisions. It’s important to give these comments a break and be stronger than the effect they have on you so you can live life to the fullest.

Go easy on yourself

It’s no big deal if you feel uncomfortable in a certain situation, or if you’re not completely certain what to do. Take a deep breath, realize that every single person gets the same heart-gripping fear every once in a while and take the plunge. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ll tell you. It’s one of two things: you’ll either fail miserably, which will be somewhat embarrassing but won’t be the end of the world, you’ll stand back up, take another deep breath, learn from your mistakes and try again. Or, you’ll succeed and you’ll be proud of your accomplishments, and move on to the next task with courage.

Be brave

Bolstering your confidence takes practice and time. Take the time to research and ask questions so that you’re prepared and confident.

Punch low self-esteem in the face

When you’re not as trusting in your abilities as you should be, that prevents you from achieving the most you can. People with low self-esteem always have ready on-hand excuses for why they’re not good enough or why they can’t do this or that. Fear of failure is normal, it’s the “not trying” part that makes you miss you out on life.

Take the time to put yourself before others; it’ll make a healthier, more balanced person. You’ll quickly discover that you have more time and energy to do the things you have to do in your life, whether it’s for work or family.


Author: Lesley

We believe in a healthier and happier world through our choices. Finding solutions to today’s challenges and making it easier to choose the best ones is our passion and our business. When we started using Rain ® SOUL we couldn’t believe the difference it made! After years of challenges, Mike was able to enjoy the benefits of SOUL and Lesley felt the support her joints needed! We would love to share more testimonials and stories with you and find out how we can help improve your personal and financial health!! – Mike & Lesley Fahey

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