Top 7 Winter Skin Care Tips

Top 7 Winter Skin Care Tips

In most parts of the country, the harsh winter weather conditions typical of this time of year can be very tough on the skin, especially on the face, lips, and hands. Making winter skin care tips even more important!

Long stretches of repeated exposure to extremely cold temperatures and low humidity outside, followed by constant exposure to indoor heat combine to sap the moisture right out of our skin –leaving it ruddy, dull and extremely dry.

For mature skin, the problem is made worse by the fact that as we age, we produce less natural sebaceous oil (sometimes called lipids) so our skin’s capacity to retain moisture diminishes.

Here are 7 tips to maximize your winter skin care and maintain a healthy glow from the inside out:

Stay hydrated!

You’ve heard the old rule: drink eight x 8 oz glasses of water a day. This may seem counterintuitive since you may not feel very thirsty when you’re busy bundling up and running around in the cold but drinking fluids is one of the keys to retaining moisture and maintaining the elasticity of your skin.

Stick to distilled or purified water and herbal teas. Avoid or limit consumption of carbonated drinks; drinks with caffeine or sugar (like coffee or hot chocolate); and high-sodium soups, as these can hinder the benefits of the hydrating fluids you consume.

Increase your intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and decrease or eliminate trans-fats.

EFAs play an essential role in the health of your skin, hair, and nails –all of which are prone to becoming brittle from exposure to the elements –by helping your body form healthy cell membranes that can effectively hold water inside the cells.

The more water that’s held in your cells, the better hydrated your skin is. Trans-fats, on the other hand, hamper membrane transport and fluidity, so cells aren’t as healthy as they could be.

Eat More…

Eat more almonds, walnuts, avocados, wild Alaskan or Pacific salmon, and coldwater fish. Take a quality Flaxseed or fish oil supplement to ensure sufficient Omega 3s, and Evening Primrose or Borage for GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), which is an Omega 6 that you can’t easily get from food.

Increase your intake of antioxidants through food and supplements.

Recent studies have shown that antioxidants play an important role in skin health. Eat more tomatoes or tomato sauce for the lycopene; eggs for lutein (which is found in the yolk), and blueberries.

You can also supplement with Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), which neutralizes free radicals in the body and promotes healthy cell function. Beta Carotene whose regular consumption can help protect skin from sun damage.

Get a massage, facial, or do 10-15 minutes of aerobic exercise a day

This is to increase circulation and blood flow to the skin. If you don’t have the time or budget to go to a spa, you can give yourself a mini aromatherapy facial. By adding 2 drops each of Rosemary, Lavender, and Geranium essential oils (EOs) to a bowl of steaming hot water. Hold your head directly over the bowl and place a towel over both to hold in the steam.

If you’re congested add a drop of Peppermint EO.  Both the Peppermint and Rosemary stimulate the skin’s oil production and increase circulation. Finish by gently massaging your face with an organic moisturizing body oil containing skin balancing essential oils of Lavender and Geranium in a base of certified organic Jojoba or Virgin Coconut oil –the oils that are closest in composition to our own natural sebum.

Use a humidifier

Use a humidifier indoors to mitigate the drying effect of indoor forced-air heating. Add a drop or two of Rosemary, Peppermint or Eucalyptus EO to the water to keep sinuses clear and stimulate your circulation.

Avoid conventional soaps and body washes

These detergents and synthetic ingredients tend to strip the natural oils from your skin. Use a gentle cleansing Body Wash. Such as, a liquid castile soap made with highly moisturizing and protective organic coconut, olive, and jojoba oils. Ones that produces a rich cleansing lather that rinses clean without drying your skin.

To create a gentle creamy cleanser for your face, mix a teaspoon of liquid castile soap and a teaspoon of organic lotion together and gently massage onto your face in a circular motion. Rinse with a washcloth soaked in tepid water.

Use body oils as your primary moisturizer instead of lotion to improve efficacy.

Since lotions are made of mostly water, harsh winter conditions will evaporate the water from your skin before it can do the job. Body oils, on the other hand, contain no water so they are the purest form of moisturizer. However, they do need to be applied to the skin while still wet. i.e. immediately after you shower to enhance absorption.

I recommend applying a body oil made with organic jojoba oil to your skin and face while in the shower. Because your pores are wide open, facilitating absorption. Massaging it onto your skin will also increase circulation. By the time you finish your shower the oil will be completely absorbed into the dermis and subcutaneous fatty layers of the skin. Giving it the deep moisture it needs to stay supple and hydrated.

Body Oils

Containing Juniper, Pine, Eucalyptus, and Cedarwood essential oils (to open and clear breathing passages), and Rosemary (to increase circulation) are great for winter and a great way to start your day!

On days the winter blues have you feeling down, try our a body oil with an uplifting blend of citrus oils!


Copyright 2009-2018 Dropwise Essentials


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it. Donya Fahmy, is the CEO of Sustainable Health Solutions Inc. and the founder and formulator of Dropwise Essentials – a line of spa-quality aromatherapy and organic plant-based personal care products. Donya is a Natural Health & Lifestyle Transformation Facilitator and Mentor who specializes in helping women radically reduce their risk for chronic disease while continuing to look and feel great as they mature. For more information on Dropwise products visit  For more tips, inspiration, and wellness wisdom join her Facebook group Women’s Wellness and Natural Healing for Success [make a link to]


Author: Donya Fahmy

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